

In 1944, Mr. Peter Bodum, founded Bodum in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the age of 26 in 1974, Joergen Bodum, took over the company as his father passed away at the age of 57. Since then, the company has been famous for designing and producing household, tabletop and kitchen products. The most well-known design would be the award-winning double wall glass as well as the French press.

Peter Bodum 於1944年在丹麥的哥本哈根創辦了Bodum。1974年,當時年僅26歲的 Joergen Bodum 在他逝世後繼承父業,不斷發展這個改寫家居生活概念的品牌,設計及生產不同類型的家居、餐用及煮食用產品。最著名之作是其獲獎無數的雙層玻璃杯以及法式壓濾壺。

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Coffee & Tea Kitchen E-Bodum