Agate Removable Handle
Color : Silver/Black/Grey/Dark Blue/Dark Green/ Yellow/Orange/Red /Green Apple/ Sky Blue/ Pink
Shape : Rectangle / Round
Agate 可拆式手柄系列
顏色 : 銀色 / 黑色 / 灰色 / 深藍色 / 深綠色 / 黃色 / 橙色 / 紅色 / 青綠色 / 天藍色 / 粉紅色
形狀 : 長形或圓形
Chinese Wok
The wok is made in France with the best quality 18-10 stainless steel which can boast outstanding heat transmission and even distribution of heat, without added water or fat when cooking meat.
Established in 1993, Hatch is the first seat with shape memory designed by a group of designers in France. Its appearance advocates an informal comfort, invites to certain casualness, participates to a flash-back on the 60/70’s soft ideal.
Color: Turquoise
Hatch是由一群以高品質及創新意念為宗旨的熱衷設計師於2003年在法國成立,他們的設計重現六、七十年代對「柔軟」座墊的追求,融入SACCO (第一張擁有「形狀記憶」的座椅) 及眾多座設計師對「舒適」、「隨意」的演繹而成,讓用家坐得舒適之餘亦帶來個人化的生活品味。
顏色: 湖水藍
Established in 1993, Hatch is the first seat with shape memory designed by a group of designers in France. Its appearance advocates an informal comfort, invites to certain casualness, participates to a flash-back on the 60/70’s soft ideal.
Color: Orange
Hatch是由一群以高品質及創新意念為宗旨的熱衷設計師於2003年在法國成立,他們的設計重現六、七十年代對「柔軟」座墊的追求,融入SACCO (第一張擁有「形狀記憶」的座椅) 及眾多座設計師對「舒適」、「隨意」的演繹而成,讓用家坐得舒適之餘亦帶來個人化的生活品味。
顏色: 橙色
Established in 1993, Hatch is the first seat with shape memory designed by a group of designers in France. Its appearance advocates an informal comfort, invites to certain casualness, participates to a flash-back on the 60/70’s soft ideal.
Color: Cherry
Hatch是由一群以高品質及創新意念為宗旨的熱衷設計師於2003年在法國成立,他們的設計重現六、七十年代對「柔軟」座墊的追求,融入SACCO (第一張擁有「形狀記憶」的座椅) 及眾多座設計師對「舒適」、「隨意」的演繹而成,讓用家坐得舒適之餘亦帶來個人化的生活品味。
顏色: 桃紅色
Established in 1993, Hatch is the first seat with shape memory designed by a group of designers in France. Its appearance advocates an informal comfort, invites to certain casualness, participates to a flash-back on the 60/70’s soft ideal.
Color: Lime Green
Hatch是由一群以高品質及創新意念為宗旨的熱衷設計師於2003年在法國成立,他們的設計重現六、七十年代對「柔軟」座墊的追求,融入SACCO (第一張擁有「形狀記憶」的座椅) 及眾多座設計師對「舒適」、「隨意」的演繹而成,讓用家坐得舒適之餘亦帶來個人化的生活品味。
顏色: 青綠色
Elevate (Kitchen tools) Gift Set
The hygienic solution to messy utensils
Rotary Peeler
Compact 3-bladed peeler :Standard blade, Serrated blade, Julienne blade
三組刀片配合切削不同軟硬度食材的需求 : 標準形刀片適合用於馬鈴薯或甘荀; 鋸齒形刀片適合用於番茄或奇異果(軟身蔬果類);切絲用刀片可以助你輕輕鬆鬆將蔬果切絲。
Rocker Garlic crusher
By using downward pressure and a ‘rocking’ motion it crushes garlic cloves quickly and evenly, forcing the pieces up through the mesh of holes. Once crushed, the garlic pieces are held in the shallow bowl, allowing them to be spooned or scraped easily into a pan.
只需將蒜頭壓碎器放於蒜頭上,再輕輕向下壓,即可將蒜頭快速均勻地壓成蒜蓉, 蒜蓉即留在弧形設計的彎位,只需用匙羹一刮,隨即將蒜蓉落鑊,方便快捷。
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