Pylones was held a ceremony on 29 Nov 2010 to celebrate 25th anniversary and grand opening of Times Square shop. Ms. Judy Yu, president of Carsac Ltd, Agnès Humruzian, Acting Consul General of France, Janet Ma & Qiqi , Top Model &  Winifred Lai, Fashionista, will come to officiate the kick off ceremony.

Jacques Guillemet, founder of Pylones, was not satisfied with the boring and plain world. He applied his talent in creativity and authenticity, created a couple interesting household items, which were well received by lots of Parisians. After a while, Jacques created his own brand, Pylones, which continued to amaze people with creative and funny designs, cheer up everyone who had encountered them.Everyone in Pylones strongly believed that everything can be fun and interesting; nothing deserved to be ordinary and boring. They injected different kinds of artistic elements into ordinary household products.

Pylones specially tailor made a rubber key to celebrate the grand opening of Times Square Shop. All the rubber keys were uniquely handmade in France and exclusive at Times Square Shop.

In order to deliver Pylones spirit, Pylones was launched a series of X’mas Hamper Set with Make A Wish which to grant wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses in Hong Kong and Macau; to enrich their life with hope, strength and joy. With the excitement of having their dream realised, many children became more joyful and are more optimistic in fighting their illnesses. Make-A-Wish® Hong Kong was set up to grant one special wish to children in Hong Kong and Macau who are suffering from a serious or life threatening illness. By doing so, we hope to bring them joy and hope, and create wonderful memories for them and their parents.

今年踏入25週年的Pylones,已於11月29日假座時代廣場店舉行新店開幕及25週年酒會。當日禧辰有限公司主席虞茱廸女士聯同法國署理總領事Mrs. Agnès Humruzian (右一)、名模馬詩慧、琦琦、以及潮流文化人黎堅惠主持開幕儀式。


當日Pylones以迷你巴黎鐵塔充當聖誕樹,掛滿別具意義的橡膠匙扣-Pylones品牌乃由設計及製造橡膠飾物起家,而這限量200條的橡膠匙扣,全部於法國人手製造,每個款式均獨一無二,現在只需於時代廣場店購物滿港幣$600 以上,即可換取橡膠匙扣一條。


Pylones x Make A Wish X’mas Hamper

另外,虞茱廸女士為宣揚Pylones的精神, 今年更聯同慈善機構 Make A Wish 推出一系聖誕禮品套裝,讓大家選購聖誕禮物予摯友時更可為正受疾病困擾的兒童送上祝福。

售價: $304 – $1200 (部份收益將撥捐”願望成真”基金作慈善用途)

關於Make A Wish

MAKE A WISH 願望成真基金成立己超過10週年,以幫助患有重病的兒童達成願望為其服務宗旨。基金致力幫助在香港及澳門正在受嚴重疾病煎熬的小朋友實現一個特別願望,從而讓病童及其家人帶來喜悅與希望,為他們創造一段美妙的回憶。至今已為超過1000名兒童實現願望。
